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Motor Carriers
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Frequently Asked Questions
Motor Carriers
Overweight Over-Dimensional
Frequently Asked Questions
Overweight Over-Dimensional
Kentucky Weight Distance (KYU)
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
International Registration Plan (IRP)
Intrastate Tax (KIT)
Overweight Over-Dimensional
Overweight Over-Dimensional,Overweight Over-Dimensional
Overweight-Over-Dimensional Permits
Legal Dimensions
Escort Requirements
Travel Provisions
Extended Weight Coal Haul Decals
Frequently Asked Questions
Call Before You Haul
Household Goods
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Motor Vehicle Credentials
Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS)
Intrastate Carriers
Interstate Carriers
Going Out of Business
One Stop Shop
All Information
Overweight Over-Dimensional
Kentucky Weight Distance (KYU)
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
International Registration Plan (IRP)
Intrastate Tax (KIT)
Overweight Over-Dimensional
Overweight-Over-Dimensional Permits
Legal Dimensions
Escort Requirements
Travel Provisions
Extended Weight Coal Haul Decals
Frequently Asked Questions
Call Before You Haul
Household Goods
Passenger Vehicle
Commercial Motor Vehicle Credentials
Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS)
Intrastate Carriers
Interstate Carriers
Going Out of Business
One Stop Shop
All Information
Main Content
Can I get a refund on an OW/OD permit?
No, Overweight/Over-Dimensional permits are non-refundable.
What are the legal dimensions in Kentucky?
Width 8’ on non-designated highways.
8’6” on Interstates, Parkways and designated highways.
Length 65’ overall (truck, trailer & load) on non-designated highways.
Max 53’ trailer on Interstate, parkways and designated highways.
Height 13’6” (Car Haulers 14-ft and 0-in)
Weight 80,000 lbs AAA
62,000 lbs AA
44,000 lbs A
Do not exceed licensed weight, road, or bridge weight limitations
What is the maximum overhang allowed?
One-third (1/3) of the trailer length rounded down to the nearest foot.
The overhang can not exceed 35’ total.
A rear escort is required any time overhang is in excess of 10’
When am I required to have IFTA, KIT, and/or KYU?
To determine which credentials you need, we recommend visiting our
Commercial Motor Vehicle Credentials
What are the holiday restrictions for Kentucky?
Kentucky does not have any restrictions for holidays unless otherwise noted on the permit.
What are the travel time restrictions for Kentucky?
All Overweight/Overdimensional moves, except mobile homes, can travel
24 hours a day 7 days a week
unless otherwise noted on the permit. Mobile homes movements are restricted to
Monday through Saturday, daylight hours on
and no travel is permitted
What counties have travel time restrictions?
No travel permitted for any Overweight / Overdimensional loads in Boone, Kenton, Campbell, Fayette, and Jefferson counties or at Owensboro KY 2155 bridge (between KY & IN) on
Monday through Friday from 7:00am – 9:00 am or 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
When is an escort required on a 2 lane road?
On a 2 lane road, escorts are required as follows:
Over 75’ long a front is required
Over 85’ long a front and rear is required
Over 12’ wide a front and rear is required
Over 14' 11" high (will require a height pole)
When is an escort required on a 4 lane road?
On a 4 lane road, escorts are required as follows:
Over 110’ long a rear is required
Over 12’ wide a rear is required
Over 14’ wide a front and rear is required
Over 16’ wide 2 front and 2 rear required
Over 120’ long a front and 2 rear plus a pivot/steerable dolly is required
A rear escort is required anytime overhang is in excess of 10’
Over 14' 11" high (will require a height pole)
Can I order an OW/OD permit over the phone?
Permits will not be issued over the phone. Drivers will be required to go to the
Kentucky Overweight/Over-Dimensional Portal
to apply for an OW/OD permit.
What is a Single Trip permit?
A Single Trip permit is a one-time trip permit showing the origin and destination requested. It is vehicle-, route-, and load-specific.
How much is a Single Trip permit?
A Single Trip permit cost
. There is an applicable service fee of 4% for credit card or a
ACH fee.
How long is a Single Trip permit valid for?
A Single Trip permit is valid for
10 day
How do I apply for a Single Trip permit?
Drivers will be required to go to the
Kentucky Overweight/Over-Dimensional Portal
to apply for an OW/OD permit.
Can a Single Trip permit be amended?
No. The only exception is if the Permit Section makes an error in issuing the permit, that error can be corrected upon request.
If I violate my Single Trip permit what will happen?
The permit will be confiscated by law enforcement and sent back to the Permit Section, at which time it will become null/void. The carrier will then have to reorder a new Single Trip permit and may be subject to penalties from law enforcement.
What is an Annual permit?
An Annual permit is a truck specific permit that allows that truck to move continuously throughout the state without having to contact this office for approval. See
for approved routes.
What type of Annual permit does Kentucky offer and how much do they cost?
To determine which Annual permits are available and their associated costs, please visit our
Overweight/Over-Dimensional Permit Information
How do I apply for an Annual permit?
Drivers will be required to go to the
Kentucky Overweight/Over-Dimensional Portal
to apply for an OW/OD permit.
Can an Annual permit be amended?
Yes, Annual permits can be amended, but only one time. Any changes to truck information, weights, or dimensions are subject to a
If I violate any part of my Annual permit what will happen?
The permit will be confiscated by law enforcement and sent back to the Permit Section, at which time it will become null/void. The carrier will then have to reorder a new Annual Trip permit and may be subject to penalties from law enforcement.
If I change my credentials such as my USDOT#, KYU#, E#, Company name, what happens to my Annual permit?
Making changes such as these will make the Annual permit null/void.
How do I renew an Annual permit?
Drivers will be required to go to the
Kentucky Overweight/Over-Dimensional Portal
to renew their OW/OD permit.
How long does it take to get an Annual permit?
Annual permits are available the same day at the
Kentucky Overweight/Over-Dimensional Portal
If I have an Annual permit and I am unsure of routing restrictions how can I check my routes?
Please go to
OW/OD Restriction Information Management System
to check current closures and restrictions on Kentucky roadways.
When does a carrier with an Annual permit have to verify routes?
Routes need to be verified before any movement.Per
KAR 601 1:018
; the permit holder shall survey the route prior to movement.
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