Do I Need a REAL ID?

​​​​​​A REAL ID is a federally compliant credential accepted at airport security checkpoints for domestic travel and restricted federal facility entry, such as military bases. You may already own a federal credential accepted at these locations, such as a passport or military ID, that you can use instead of a REAL ID.​
​Determine if you need to apply for a REAL ID before enforcement begins on May 7, 2025.

1. Are you planning to fly to another state or U.S. territory after May 7, 2025?

  • Beginning May 7, 2025, you must have a REAL ID or another acceptable form of identification to board domestic flights or visit federal facilities.

  • ​For a list of federally acceptable forms of identification, click here.​

​2. Will you be over the age of 18 on May 7, 2025?

  • TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling with a companion within the United States. The companion will need federally acceptable identification.

​3. Are you planning to visit a federal facility, such as a military base or the White House​, after May 7, 2025?

  • ​Certain federal facilities will require federally accepted identification from all visitors, including minors, for entrance. 

  • To ensure you have the proper identification, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recommend​ds that you contact the federal agency you plan to visit in advance to obtain information regarding identification requirements.​

Take our IDocument Guide ​quiz to determine what documents you need to apply for a REAL ID.​
