Kentucky Weight Distance (KYU)

​​​​The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Division of Motor Carriers, will require the KYU Weight Distance quarterly tax returns to be filed and paid online through the Motor Carrier Portal pursuant to KRS 138.685. As of 4th Quarter, 2024, all Tax Returns must be filed and paid online. If you have any questions or concerns please contact​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ KYU is a tax license issued for all carriers ​traveling on Kentucky roadways with a combined license weight greater than 59,999 pounds. The​ tax rate is 0.0285 cents per mile. ​You can also purchase a one-time temporary KYU Permit per truck if you are not making regular trips through the state of Kentucky.​


​You must set up a Kentucky Online Gateway account before applying for a KYU number. If you have issues registering your account, refer to the Kentucky Online Gateway FAQs.​

  • KYU Numbers are issued immediately upon completion of the ONLINE KYU Application.

  • For assistance, view our KYU Registration Guide or send questions to ​​

  • If you are having technical issues processing an Online Application, you can print and mail in a completed Kentucky Trucking Application Form. The paper application can take 10-14 business days to process, and you will only receive a KYU number after processing. Incomplete applications will be returned.

Farm plate​d vehicles are exempt from paying the ​KYU tax.​


  • You must have a registered Kentucky Online Gateway account to file taxes electronically. If you have issues registering, refer to the Kentucky Online Gateway FAQs.

  • The KYU license requires quarterly tax filings regardless of travel for all qualified vehicles through KYU E-File.

    • ​If you did not travel during a quarter, you must file zero miles to avoid penalty, interest, and a revocation fee of $500

  • U​pdate KYU inventory online through the Motor Carrier Portal. All qualified vehicles must be listed to avoid citations.

  • Acceptable payment methods include Credit Card or ACH.

Carriers can use KYU E-File to amend a return to increase reported miles. Contact the Division of Motor Carriers to amend a return to decrease reported miles.​​


for instructions on reinstating an account, click Reinstating an Account PDF.